In a recent reveal, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson hinted at the possibility of his future interaction with tech mogul Elon Musk. However, Hoskinson stressed that he was saving a special “big moment” for the opportunity, highlighting the strategic patience behind his decision.

Hoskinson, a prominent figure in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, has already stated his intention to engage with Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. However, he is very much hoping that this contact will happen at the right time, suggesting that he is saving this "trump card" for something big.

Hoskinson said there was only one chance and he was waiting for the right moment to play this "trump card".

Although Hoskinson did not reveal specific details about the “big thing” he is looking forward to, it is likely related to a major milestone or breakthrough for Cardano. This could include a major technological advancement, a strategic partnership, or a significant expansion of the network’s capabilities. Whatever the occasion, it is clear that Hoskinson aims to maximize the impact of his contact with Musk.

If Hoskinson and Musk were able to have a conversation, it would have far-reaching implications for the cryptocurrency industry. Both of them are known for their innovative approaches and contributions to technology, and their exchange could lead to groundbreaking developments in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

It is worth recalling that Hoskinson had earlier expressed his intention to work with Musk to develop a decentralized Twitter platform.

As the Cardano network continues to grow and achieve new achievements, the community is full of anticipation for possible collaboration or communication with Elon Musk, which brings new excitement and excitement to the community.

The cryptocurrency industry will be watching closely to see what exactly this “moment” between Hoskinson and Musk is, and how this event will affect the future development of Cardano and the cryptocurrency industry as a whole.


Amid the rapid development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, potential conversations between Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson and Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk herald a possible major collaboration or technological breakthrough.

Hoskinson's strategic patience and precise sense of timing, combined with Musk's passion for innovation, could bring unprecedented impact and development to the entire industry.

The industry and investors should pay close attention to this "important moment", which may not only change the future of Cardano, but also affect the entire digital currency and blockchain ecosystem. #Cardano #马斯克 #霍斯金森