Trading can be summed up in 16 words.

The way is simple, follow the trend, stop loss in time, and let the profits fly.

The way is simple, that is, when it goes up, it goes up, and when it goes down, it goes down.

It's that simple, don't think too much.

Follow the trend, that is, go long when it goes up, and go short when it goes down.

It doesn't mean that going long when it goes up is right. It's not about right or wrong, but the amplitude. When it goes up, the greater probability is that it goes up more and falls less. Only a large amplitude can bring big profits.

Stop loss in time, that is, stop loss when it is wrong,

Let the profits fly, that is, hold on to the profits.

In reality, most people lose money in the opposite way, analyzing this and that, going against the trend, running away when they make money, and resisting when they lose.

All the examples of people making big money are basically made by these 16 words.

This model is not profitable most of the time, because big market trends are not common, which is against human nature.

Once you have one, you can eat from beginning to end, and you will get rich twice in your life.

Trading is simple, but difficult to do. I often watch and think about it myself.

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