CZ is quietly collecting $CAKE and will revive PancakeSwap in the future.

From the perspective of Onchain and the database, what is Cz doing?

$CAKE attracted all experienced holders after it was divided by $1 for 40 times from the top. However, in early November, CZ raised a lot of funds for the new cycle.

Firechart data shows that the accumulation force on the floor has reached $50 million, and there is no sign of stopping. In the future, $CAKE may fall further to collect more goods. At present, it has collected 10% of the total flow of the Binance exchange

Binance's hot wallet Onchain has been transferring a lot of $CAKE in the past period of time, but there is no liquidity in the $4-$1 area, and the price is too low to deliver.

Moneyflow shows that most of the goods have been transferred to Add Liquid and Pancake V3.

APR (with farming) pair example $CAKE-$USDT

According to the accumulated daily fees in the past 180 days, $CAKE ranks in the top 2 on the exchange (dex), second only to $UNI. CAKE is also a real income project with cheaper costs than Ethereum.

In the upcoming peak season, many projects will run on low-cost BSC to reach users of many popular scam projects of the previous season running on the BSC network.

$CAKE also introduced new mechanisms and products to cut the maximum supply to 250 million CAKE instead of unlimited supply that causes inflation.

When $CAKE revenue reached the top 10, the project also had a lot of real income used. MM projects began to collect a lot of goods to ensure that CZ is incubating new products for the trend season, which will drive the legitimization of future price lines.

The projects on the Binance launchpad launchpool list have not had prominent Defi projects recently, because the early Defi projects are too big to replace.

In addition to #Binance, $CAKE and $BNB are two very good rice bowls for CZ, and CZ can't let his spiritual children die.

If you like to invest in Defi projects, then $CAKE is a good choice.