Cryptocurrency Response from Elon Musk: Will He Advise Donald Trump?

Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk responded to the news claiming that he met and advised US Presidential candidate Donald Trump about cryptocurrencies.

Famous billionaire Elon Musk responded to the news claiming that he was an advisor to former US President Donald Trump about crypto currencies, which appeared last night at TSI.

Elon Musk denied reports that he discussed cryptocurrencies with Donald Trump.

The famous CEO made the following statements in his statement on his official Twitter account after sharing a news published by Bloomberg:

I'm sure I've never argued with Trump about cryptocurrencies, but I'm generally in favor of things where power moves from the government to the people. Crypto can do this. 

According to Bloomberg's report, the duo had a discussion about Elon Musk's economic and border security policies.

Although US Presidential candidate Donald Trump initially seemed against cryptocurrencies, he later adopted a friendly attitude with his strategies and decisions. It was stated that Trump consulted the CEO of Bitcoin Magazine on whether Bitcoin could be a solution to solve the US's $35 trillion debt.