[Market Analysis]

Bitcoin is still the same as yesterday, with weak fluctuations and adjustments, and there is not much change on the market. Today, let's focus on this year's market. You can say that it is in full bloom, or you can say that it is particularly twisted. The result of the mode of not taking over each other is that each track is ultimately an independent individual, and it cannot form a joint force, and then the direct result is unsustainability. The current market differentiation is more serious, so it is more difficult for traders than before, so we must adapt to this rhythm.

I believe that the joint force of this market will come sooner or later. When it really comes, we must actively embrace the bubble. After all, this opportunity is hard-won. In addition, when each track rises, we must know how to stop profit. It is more important to know how to sell than to know how to buy, because the encryption industry changes very quickly. If you want to fall in love, you will be miserable in the future.

The day before yesterday was the meme market, and last night it was the Bitcoin ecosystem. The wind direction and rhythm transformation are not something that most people can keep up with. Before there is a joint force, these tracks are not sustainable, so you have to run if you make money.