$RPL $BTC Rocket Pool (RPL) is a project on the Ethereum platform that operates as a decentralized staking network. Below is updated information about RPL coin:
Current price: VND 571,908.15 VND1.
24-hour trading volume: VND 158,143,867,649.90 VND1.
Market capitalization: $438,543,755 USD2.
Total supply: 20,369,079 RPL2.
Highest price ever: $61.90 USD, recorded April 20232.
Lowest price ever: $0.008847 USD, recorded August 20182.
For more detailed information and to track RPL's price movements, you can visit sites like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko12. If you are interested in buying or trading RPL, popular exchanges include Binance and Bitget2. Remember that investing in cryptocurrency can be risky and should be done after thorough research.