Lost password of million-dollar Bitcoin wallet found after 10 years

The lost password of the wallet where $3 million worth of Bitcoin was stored was found after many years of efforts. The owner of the Bitcoins said that he would sell some of them and keep most of them until the price reached 100 thousand dollars. The lost password of the wallet in which 43.6 BTC, purchased in 2013 and worth approximately 3 million dollars at today's prices, was stored was found years later. The people who discovered the password were two hackers who specialize in this field.

He couldn't access his Bitcoins after the encrypted file got corrupted

A man named Michael, whose identity is kept secret, set up his wallet in 2013 and used the RoboForm platform to generate passwords. Michael, who did not want to store the password he created in RoboForm due to security concerns, kept it in an encrypted file. After a while, the encrypted file was corrupted and the owner could not access the 20-character password and therefore the 43.6 BTC in the wallet.

According to the video published on YouTube, Michael contacted the hacker named Joe Grand for help in 2022. Grand was previously famous for recovering lost Bitcoins kept in the Trezor brand wallet.

They tried countless times until they found the correct password.

Grand began working with a friend named Bruno to crack RoboForm's software. They discovered a vulnerability in the software's password generator. Allegedly, the password was set according to a specific date and time on the computer where the password was created. Although the company closed the vulnerability in 2015, previously created passwords could be accessed this way. While Michael did not remember when he created the password, hackers determined that Bitcoins were transferred to the wallet on April 13, 2013. Then, they tried many passwords one by one until they found the correct one.