To summarize the characteristics of the cryptocurrency circle that it is not easy to make money, we can further improve it in the following aspects:

Those who dare not hold heavy positions: Risk control is important, but being too conservative in the long term will miss big opportunities

Those who do short-term or ultra-short-term trading: Frequent trading not only increases transaction costs, but is also easily affected by market fluctuations

Those who chase after rising positions: lack of clear investment strategies, which can easily lead to buying high and selling low

Not stopping losses when trapped: Failure to stop losses in time may cause greater losses

Those who blindly and frequently cover positions at the beginning of a downward trend: The risk of covering positions when the trend is unclear is relatively high

Those who hold coins for a short time: Prices fluctuate greatly in the short term, and it is easy to miss long-term opportunities for rising

Those who chase when it rises and cut when it falls: There is no clear plan for following the trend and it is easy to be swayed by market sentiment

Those who frequently change coins: Frequently changing coins will increase transaction costs and it is difficult to accumulate experience in in-depth research