Wednesday has passed. We can see that the overall market is still in a wide range of tug-of-war. After the tea needle bottomed out yesterday morning, it stretched overnight to around 69,000 in the morning. At midnight, it directly closed 1,000 points. Then the low long mentioned in the morning was publicly mentioned in the afternoon to more than 68,200. Although there was a retracement, the strength was not strong and continued to add more positions. In the evening, it finally rebounded and took 300 points and exited directly. This kind of tug-of-war market is not easy to grasp the orange position. The roller coaster is vomiting. #MegadropLista #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH

Seeing that the current daily chart has been in a tug-of-war for nearly a week, the overall upward direction has not changed. All current actions can be regarded as accumulating power. Seeing that the four-hour chart market has come to the low point of the range again, this position is still regarded as low long. If you are short, it is easy to be short at the floor.

Big pancakes are around 67200-67000, and can go up to 69000+

Auntie is around 3740-3770, and can go up to 3800+