“I doubled my money from crypto!” or “I turned 500 into 50,000.” There are definitely people around you who say this. But if you try to get involved in the cryptocurrency industry without knowing what the real idea is, it will completely become a gamble! 

OK, but what should you do to find out? What is fundamental analysis? How to follow the market? Which ideas should be taken seriously? I will answer all questions…

First of all, fundamental analysis requires a lot of research and learning. Learning this will allow you to accurately measure the crypto industry and the market.

When a new crypto project comes out, what kind of technology is behind it? This is really important! Because some projects specifically say that they are supported by artificial intelligence. There were even some coin projects that were announced to use artificial intelligence. While introducing their projects; we use artificial intelligence, we have GPT/AI in our name, this is who we are, etc. Introductions were also included. But when we look at the technologies in the background, we can understand that most projects do not actually use artificial intelligence technology. They only mention artificial intelligence technology in their names and advertisements. Therefore, I can say that 80-90% of such projects will disappear if they cannot meet expectations and do not use a system with artificial intelligence integration into the system.