šŸ””Blockchain security news! SlowMist Technology has detected suspicious activities related to GameFi protocol MetaDragon, and reminds users to be vigilant. šŸ‘€

MetaDragon posted a message on the X platform, calling on users to convert META NFTs into tokens as soon as possible to reduce community losses. šŸ˜±It turns out that the META NFT contract has just been hacked. The hacker converted the NFTs in the wallet into META tokens and sold them. The attack path originated from META NFT. šŸ‘¾

The hacker's attacker address has been made public: 0xc468D9A3a5557BfF457586438c130E3AFbeC2ff9. šŸ”

In this ever-changing blockchain world, we must always remain vigilant and ensure the safety of our assets. We continue to be optimistic about Bitcoin, but we must also pay attention to risks. šŸ’ŖšŸš€