#Bitcoin dear friends, please do not fall for some self-aware liars, please do not do any of the coins and short/long tactics they share, believe me, these are fake lies they do to deceive you. Nobody knows what will happen here, it's impossible, they don't even know 5%. Because logically, BTC goes up and down, because they have tactical shorts and longs that they have been using for years. In other words, BTC is obliged to make you go wrong, and some attribute this obligation to the graphics. As Özgür DEMİRTAŞ said, if graphics were 100% or 50/60, all graphic designers would be rich. All you have to follow is the USA and the decisions the USA will take, whether positive or negative. Only these move BTC. BTC goes wherever people want. If BTC goes to 12k from here, who will say anything? He can do it if he wants, even 100k if he wants, but the only problem is the sales, shorts and longs at the expense of harassment. Make a spot, delete this place, open it after 2 or 3 years, that's enough.