$MANTA CeDeFi's staking activity can double the price of MANTA.

First of all, staking data does not directly lead to an increase in token prices, but the important thing is the effect of the ecosystem.

Looking back at the arbitrum, base and Solana ecosystems, the popularity of a single project will trigger an increase in data and prices on the entire chain.

1. Arbitrum's Magic Game and a social game built on Twitter have brought a lot of staking and income to Arbitrum.

2. BASE's Firend.tech social staking project has brought nearly 1.1 billion staking to the BASE ecosystem.

3. Solana's Jito and Jupiter and many other staking projects have brought nearly $6.3 billion in staking to Solana.

Especially the Solana ecosystem. At the end of last year, Solana paid attention to the pledge data in the entire ecological tendency, so many projects such as $JTO $JUP were born. The price of Solana also rose strongly during the same period and broke through 200 US dollars this year.

All this is inseparable from the support of ecological pledge data, coupled with the low market value of MANTA, so the probability of MANTA having twice the space is very high.

In addition, in the sector to which MANTA belongs, the market value gap with the previous competitor project is very large, and this position must have room for growth for the project itself.

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