BB coin is widely known in China's digital currency market. It is a cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin and uses the Scrypt algorithm. The identity of its founder is still a mysterious and undisclosed secret. Despite this, BB coin's performance in the market has become more and more eye-catching and has become the focus of investors.

Origin and characteristics:

The founder of BB coin hid his identity and background. The original intention of launching BB coin was to provide a safe, convenient and global payment method. As an improved version of Bitcoin, BB coin has optimized some weaknesses of Bitcoin, such as transaction speed, storage capacity, anonymity, etc. BB coin has extremely fast transaction speed, reaching second-level confirmation, and has a large storage capacity, currently supporting up to 100G capacity. In addition, the transaction process of BB coin is highly confidential and protects user privacy. Due to the use of the Scrypt algorithm, BB coin mining is not easily affected by ASIC equipment, thereby enhancing its decentralized characteristics and allowing more people to participate in mining.

Future Outlook:

Although the identity of the founder of BB coin is unknown, this has not hindered the development of BB coin in the market. In fact, in 2018, BB coin became one of the hot spots in the market, and its price once soared, attracting the attention of a large number of investors. BB coin has a rapid development momentum, and is strengthening its application and promotion in transactions, payments, finance, etc., and expanding its popularity and influence worldwide. As time goes by, I believe that BB coin will continue to play its unique value in the digital currency market.