ETH long-order trend has formed. Last night I analyzed that it could retrace a bit and then go long. This morning it started to pull directly.

Let's analyze the data now. We can see from Figure 2 that ETH's capital data has shown a large inflow since last night. Last night's long wave should be a test of the reaction of the shorts. My strategy index is still a little low, otherwise it would be a meat-eating market today! Next, I judge that this wave of pull-up should be retraced. After all, the volume has not risen. If it is like the volume on the night of the 21st, you can close your eyes and go long to eat meat. Now this kind of market trend cannot be too close to the index, it is easy to get stuck at the highest point.

I engage in trading not for excitement, but for victory. When others talk about their thrilling trading experiences, I will remain silent, because for me, every transaction is the same!

#ETH走势分析 #热门话题 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥