Summary of the week of 5.20-5.24:

Don't rush for quick success and instant benefits, investment requires patience and long-term persistence. In the financial market, investment requires patience and long-term persistence. Many people hope to obtain high returns through short-term investment, but this idea is often unrealistic. Investment requires a full understanding of market conditions and the characteristics of investment products, the formulation of long-term investment strategies, and the continuous adjustment and optimization of investment portfolios. Only through long-term persistence and hard work can stable income and returns be obtained. Therefore, don't rush for quick success and instant benefits, but be patient in investment planning, so that wealth can continue to increase in value with the accumulation of time.

This week's market also experienced ups and downs. At the beginning of the week, the price ratio started to pull up from the low of 66,800, directly hitting the 72,000 mark. After multiple backtests in the later period, after another unsuccessful impact, a new round of downward exploration began. It first fell to 69,000, then began to oscillate and repair, and went sideways for a while. Under the influence of Friday's news, it ushered in another sharp drop, and then stabilized near 66,000, forming a strong support, and began to recover the lost ground. The current price ratio is around 69,100.

This week closed with a big negative, and the normal trend will have a low point next week, and it may not fall too much for the time being. The weekly resistance is around 70,000, and shorting can be done if it is touched. Strong resistance is around 720,000, and it is estimated that there will be no opportunity. Support is around 66,000. Once it is effectively broken, it is estimated that it will go to the low point of this month, around 63,000. If it falls below 60,000 in the later period, the decline below will be deep, but it is not ruled out that it will oscillate and wash at a high level before choosing a direction. The daily line oscillated and closed with a positive cross star on Friday. Looking at the daily line alone, there is a need for a correction, but the weekly line is bearish, so the rebound is still the main short. The daily resistance is near the high point on Friday. If it does not break, you can continue to short. If it weakens, it will fall near 70,000 first, and the target is 66,000 to break and look for a new low. If the market rebounds on Monday, it can continue to short near 69,000.

Big Pie Idea: Short near 69,500, target 68,000

Ether Idea: Short near 3815, target 3750

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