FIL data on May 25: total computing power 22.909E; pledge decreased by 240,000; circulation increased by 520,000; destruction increased by 1,700; 2,573 nodes, decreased by 30

May 25: The total network computing power increased by 2.048PiB (the current maximum daily computing power increase is 111P) to 22.909EiB.

DC real data exceeds 1.85EiB, that is, the total amount is 1894.4PiB (accounting for 81% of the total network computing power after 10 times the computing power), CC data is 4.37EiB, decreased by 0.02EiB, that is, 20.48EiB, the total physical space is 6.22EiB, decreased by 0.02EiB, that is, 20.48EiB.

The pledge amount decreased by 236,338 FIL (the current maximum pledge amount per day is 377,287), the destruction amount increased by 1,733 FIL (the current maximum destruction amount per day is 81,484) to 39.529 million FIL, and the new circulation (inflation) amounted to 523,388 FIL.

The total number of accounts exceeded 3.09 million, an increase of 499; the number of storage provider nodes decreased by 30.


Filecoin statistics show that the effective computing power of the entire network is 22.909EiB (the current maximum is 25.112EiB, which has increased by 0.002EIB (2.048PiB) in the past 24 hours from 11:30 on May 24 to 11:30 on May 25);

The pledge has decreased by 236,338FIL (the current maximum pledge amount is: 176,121,944FIL);

The destruction amount has increased by 1,733FIL;

The circulation amount has increased by 523,388FIL (the current minimum increase in circulation per day is 127,763FIL; the block reward is 111,566FIL, and the current maximum circulation amount is: 595,677,804FIL); a single block The reward dropped to 8.0034FIL;

The income of a single T is 0.0047FIL (the current minimum is 0.0046FIL);

The pledge of a single T is 5.1403FIL;

The gas is 0.0008FIL (32G sector);

The total number of accounts exceeded 3.09 million, an increase of 499 (on -- month -- day, it was more than -- day away from the last -- month -- day -- ten thousand hours);

There are 2573 active storage provider nodes, a decrease of 30, keep working hard!!!

The total amount released is about: 794.19 million FIL, an increase of 300,000 FIL, and a decrease of about 150,000 FIL compared to about 450,000 before October 15.

Filecoin Plus DC real data exceeds 1.85EiB, that is, the total amount is 1894.4PiB (currently up to 1894.4), CC data is 4.37EiB, reduced by 0.02EiB, that is, 20.48EiB, and the total physical space is 6.22EiB, reduced by 0.02EiB, that is, 20.48EiB.
