ONDO has been around 0.95 since its release and has now reached 1.2, which means that if you chase it directly, you can get 20% space

Some friends asked what price should be sold? My suggestion is at least above 3U. The RWA track has great potential. BlackRock has already started to lay out earlier, and ONDO is the leader in the track

ONDO's advantages are obvious, and the reasons for optimism are as follows:

1. Both US bonds and ETFs can be tokenized

2. ONDO can also tokenize other ETFs and even US stocks. If you think in this way, the narrative is very huge

3. ONDO is registered in the United States and takes a compliant route, so there is no need to worry about running away

4. There is an expectation of spot trading on BN in the future, and a certain exchange has announced that it will list the currency

The current market value of the RWA field is less than 10 billion US dollars, which provides us with enough room for imagination. It is not impossible to reach trillions or even tens of trillions in the future, especially ONDO, which is supported by Wall Street capital and market makers. It has outperformed half of the RWA track at the beginning.