The cryptocurrency most hated by governments

Browsing the square, I saw someone wanting to know how to receive WLD subsistence allowances, so I wanted to try it myself.

It turned out that the process was extremely simple: open the mobile App store, search for world, download the software, and follow the instructions. I registered with my phone number and changed a password that was easy for me to remember. I didn't bind my email address. You can pre-receive 3 WLDs, and then pass the ORB certification within one year, and you can trade the pre-received ones.

I don't think there is any need for special guidance, especially when someone said that it is necessary to charge a fee for registration, which seems unreliable. I should try it myself.

When checking where I can get certification, I remembered why so many places cannot get certification or cancel the certification points.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence. Anything that the government advocates and says good things often requires the people to fill the pit; anything that the government suppresses and bans is often good for the people and touches the rights and interests of the government.

If everyone goes to receive WLD, even at the current price, it is equivalent to the average pension amount of officials and civilians across the country (after all, most farmers don't even have a penny of pension). Ordinary people can all receive pensions, and they all support those who give them money. How can the great and glorious government demonstrate its superiority and control society? Isn't this a slap in their face? So we must resolutely ban it, even in the ruins of the financial center, and we must wipe it out.

The road that WLD wants to take is really a road to heaven, with a promising future but difficult to ascend to heaven.

$WLD #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准