$BAKE 🔥🔥🔥Friends, let's pay attention to the latest market of BAKE! 🔥🔥🔥

📣📣BAKE market analysis:

#BAKE 📊 BAKE one-hour callback market, 2-hour level market shows that the short side has the advantage, and the 4-hour level is dominated by the long side.

🔥🔥🔥🐍qu1n ➕唯 ZBZ188 🔥

🔍 Key price: keep an eye on the 1-hour long and short price: 0.3185. If the upward price breaks this price, long orders can be decisively entered!

🚀 Upward target: around 0.3218-0.3260-0.3325.

📉 Downside risk: If the upside does not break: At the price of 0.3185, the bears will continue to hold, and the target price is expected to fall to around 0.3145-0.3100-0.3065.

📢 The market is changing rapidly. Only by seizing the opportunity and operating steadily can you gain the upper hand! #bake. #BAKE.每日智能策略 #BAKE.智能策略库🏆🏆 #BAKE.24小时交易策略