The market still retreated in the afternoon. In the morning, Ruoxuan had repeatedly reminded that the ether was moving around the sky. After this wave of decline in the afternoon, our market was short near 68,000 in the morning, and Ether was short near 3830. We have successfully gained a thousand points, and Ether has gained more than 100 points. The ideas are given to everyone in advance. The Lian Sheng model is always on the way. If you follow it, the harvest will begin.

The current trend continues to be weak, and short-term shorts still dominate. So what we need to pay attention to in the afternoon is the strength of the retracement and the continuity of the short decline. Below, we will first focus on yesterday's retracement of the low near 66156. If it can be supported again, the market is expected to If there is another rebound, if it breaks down, the market may increase the room for downward adjustment. In the afternoon, we can still maintain the principle of following the trend and continue to look back and step on it. #BTC走势分析 #BTC

Big pie strategy: short around 67300, look at 66100

Ether strategy: short near 3700, look down to 3600