This article is #VitalikButerin V God’s views on biometric personality certification. Through the article, I summarized some key points.

1. Proof of personhood is a limited real-world identity asserting that a given registered account is controlled by a real person (and distinct from the real person of every other registered account).

2. Worldcoin is a large-scale personality certification project that relies on highly complex biometric technology, using a specialized hardware called "Orb" to scan each user's iris.

3. Worldcoin’s privacy and security concerns, as well as some design issues, raise fundamental questions about whether biometrics is a good idea.

4. The value of personality proof is that it solves many of the anti-spam and anti-centralization problems people face, while avoiding reliance on centralized authority and revealing the least information possible.

5. How Worldcoin works, and the main issues related to the construction of Worldcoin, including privacy, accessibility, centralization and security.

6. How biometric personality verification solutions address privacy concerns and the accessibility of these systems.

7. The centralization problem of biometric personality certification systems, and how Worldcoin solves the problem of hardware centralization.

8. General security issues of personality certification and how we solve these issues.

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