2- What are alternative cryptocurrencies Altcoins?
If you consider that the cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies market are equivalent to the money market, it is natural for some currencies to be higher in price and more influential in the market than others, and among these cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin. It is the most widely traded in the crypto market and of course the highest price. Other alternative cryptocurrencies (Altcoins) are Ethereum, Tether, USD Coin, Doge, and Cardano (ADA), which are characterized by high liquidity and trading volume that promises to rise and is considered a good investment option.
3- What is the all-time high ATH?
The term (ATL) is an abbreviation for the phrase All Times High, which is the highest price this cryptocurrency has ever reached, and its counterpart, of course, is ATL, which is the lowest price level for this currency, which is an abbreviation for the phrase All Times Low.