The current price of DOGE is $0.168339 per (DOGE/USD) with a current market capitalization of 24.31B USD. 24-hour trading volume is 2.81B USD. DOGE fluctuated +10.58% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 144.38B.
Although there is a cap and a huge trading volume, it should be noted that DOGE is a risky investment and is at risk of strong devaluation due to unlimited supply. To maintain or increase the value of DOGE, continuous investment from the community is required. Without this support, its supply will increase rapidly and its value may decrease rapidly.
Although DOGE is on the list of cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization, the reality is that it has not created any useful applications.
In short, DOGE is not a potential option and is not suitable for long-term investment. However, if you have a special interest, you can still try your luck by investing a small portion in DOGE, but don't forget to follow the principle of consideration and only use 3-10% of your capital.
Wishing everyone a smooth trading day.