How to reduce the probability of Pump being rug. Things you can do after buying: 1. Look at the address of the front row buy, are there any other vouchers held, and whether the wallets bought have similar concepts or even the same name, such as In the attached picture, I’ll take $Slipi as an example. I looked at the two wallets in the front row and found out they looked like this. This one is most likely dev’s own wallet. 2. The wallet balance in the front row usually has the kind of super-fast balance. For a market that reaches about 90%, the wallet balance of that market is probably more than 0.0s, or all the balances are in single digits. This kind of valuation is a technology-enabled market, and some will control it at 95% and then smash it. Or after launch, all wallets can only be smashed. 3. Use Solscan to query the records on the dev chain. Some of the records transferred from the exchange are difficult to query, but if they are transferred from other addresses on the chain, you can pick them up. Check if there are any traces of rugs at his other addresses. Of course, this method may also make you miss some rugs. That is, maybe the dog dev suddenly wants to be alone today. There is really nothing you can do, but now the probability of rugs on Pump is too high. It’s high. This way you can avoid losing some rug or inaccurate front-row positions.
