$ETH #假如我是说假如 "Hey, Lao Zhang, have you heard? That Ethereum ETF was actually approved ahead of schedule!" Xiao Li pushed open the door of the cafe, speaking with disbelief.

Lao Zhang raised his eyelids from behind the newspaper, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips: "Yes, another miracle in the financial world. The efficiency of the China Securities Regulatory Commission this time is so high that it makes people doubt life, and the magic hands of the stock market have added a new trick."

Xiao Li pulled over a chair and sat down, with a puzzled look between his eyebrows: "This is unscientific. In the past, such approvals were dragged to the end of time. How come this time it was like riding a rocket? Is there no manipulation behind it?"

Lao Zhang sneered and gently stirred the black coffee in the cup: "Manipulation? Are you questioning the purity of the market? Haha, naive. After all, information is power, and the rules in the power game can be rewritten faster than the code on the blockchain."

"But what does this mean for us small retail investors?" Xiao Li seemed a little anxious.

"What does it mean? It means that you have to learn to dance in the game set by others. Even if the music suddenly changes, you have to keep up with the rhythm. Otherwise, you will become the leeks that are harvested." Lao Zhang's tone was full of helplessness and irony.

"Then what should we do? Buy high? Or wait and see?" Xiao Li was eager to get an answer.

Lao Zhang put down the cup, his eyes sharp: "What should we do? Remember, the market never believes in tears. You have to make your own judgment, don't let other people's predictions control your wallet. Although ETFs are good, don't be greedy. After all, behind every feast, there are people who silently pay the bill.