[Telegram founder Pavel Durov says he will hold $7 million Notcoin gift until 100 times]
Before Thursday's NOT token launch, more than half a million players who were addicted to Telegram's click game Notcoin generously donated their in-game tokens to Telegram founder Pavel Durov. The donations are now worth millions of dollars, and Durov said he would hold on to them, expecting a possible 100-fold return.
More than 552,000 Notcoin players donated their in-game tokens to Durov in February, an action initiated by the Notcoin team (called Open Builders) to thank the Telegram founder for providing the platform.
In the end, Durov has more than 1.03 billion NOT tokens, accounting for just over 1% of the total Notcoin supply on The Open Network (TON). The value of this portion of tokens is about $7.3 million at the time of writing, but it was worth $6.8 million when Durov posted earlier on Friday.
Durov, who Forbes estimates is worth $15.5 billion, doesn’t need the money, and he doesn’t plan to sell the tokens. However, if the value of NOT tokens surges, he will sell them to better support Telegram.
“Half a million Notcoin users donated $6.8 million worth of Notcoin! Thank you,” Durov wrote on Telegram. “I will hold these tokens until they become $680 million, when I will use them to buy more servers for Telegram.”
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