1. ARB fell below 1USDT, with a 24-hour drop of 2.48%

🌶️A technical sell signal may appear or a large amount of short pressure may appear in the market, causing the price to fall below the key support level. There are predictions that the price will form a double bottom pattern and the market predicts that it will continue to surge by 30%.

2. Manta Network launches CeDeFi products

🥕Introducing the income of institutional VIP strategies onto the chain, CeFi income and funding rate arbitrage income can be obtained through Ceffu MirrorX. Users can accumulate points to receive MANTA token rewards.

3. The Arweave ecosystem, a long-established storage project, is on the rise again

🌽Using the Blockweave blockchain architecture and proof-of-access consensus algorithm, it supports cross-generational data preservation and developer-hosted dAPP databases.

4. Storm Trade, the sustainable DEX of TON ecosystem, is the first IDO project

🍠Magic Square, the Web3 application store supported by Binance Labs, announced on the social platform that TON ecosystem sustainable DEX Storm Trade is the first IDO project. The sales launch and end time have not yet been disclosed.

5. Pencils Protocol Season 2 has concluded

🧄During this stage, the ETH staking amount exceeds 1,500 ETH and reaches 400% of the target. Users can obtain the PDD token Launch quota by staking ETH, forming a team, etc.

📝Information provided by 👉🤖️OwlxAI #BinanceLabs #TON生态