

As of today,

May 18, 2024,

Ethereum (ETH) is priced at approximately $3,114.04, showing a 1.16% increase over the past 24 hours.

The cryptocurrency market as a whole has seen a recovery,

Which has positively influenced Ethereum’s price.

Market confidence and increased interest in blockchain technologies,

As well as Ethereum's extensive use cases,

Contribute to this trend .

Looking ahead,Ethereum is poised for significant gains throughout 2024.

Key upgrades, such as the anticipated EIP-4844 (Protodanksharding),

Are expected to enhance network performance by reducing transaction costs and improving speeds,

Thereby bolstering Ethereum’s market position.

This is in line with JPMorgan’s analysis,

Which predicts Ethereum to outperform Bitcoin due to these technological advancements .

In the short term, projections suggest that Ethereum might see a modest increase, potentially reaching around $3,126.55 within the next month .

For the longer term,

Ethereum is expected to continue its upward trajectory,

Driven by continuous technological improvements and broader market recovery .

Investors should keep an eye on key resistance and support levels,

As well as ongoing developments within the Ethereum network and the broader cryptocurrency market, to better navigate potential price movements .

( Make a decision at your own risk, of course,

don’t let yourself be manipulated by anybody.

This is only my personal opinion,

the part of my theory of cryptomarket movings and about its background.)💖💖