Why is WLD not suitable for long-term investment now? Why is it not recommended to play this recently? There are mainly the following reasons!

1. WorldAssets, a subsidiary of the Worldcoin Foundation responsible for token issuance, stated in a public blog that it will buy 500,000 to 1.5 million WLD every week for the next six months. This will last for half a year, which is equivalent to adding 36 million new tokens to the market! ! These are all selling pressures, and this is just one of the releases!

2. WLD's institutional round and other *** will also be released, and these are all selling pressures! !

3. With the increase in the circulation of coins over time, the project party will definitely find ways to eliminate bubbles, pledge, empower, or other things, but no matter which one is the same purpose, shipping, if the market can't bear it, there will only be a big drop!

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I was very optimistic about WLD last year, and I have been supporting him, but with the changes over time and the current situation of the currency circle, I know that it is better to be a scumbag in the currency circle!