One hundred short-term moves (the fifth move) Pay attention to learning one hundred moves

The eternal 5-day moving average

[Technical form]

The short-term is optimistic about the 5-day moving average. When the currency price closes on the 5-day moving average and the 5-day moving average turns upward, buy it. On the contrary, when it is below the 5-day moving average and the 5-day moving average turns downward, sell it.

Similarly, when the market closes and stands firmly on the 5-day moving average, it can be used as a prerequisite for short-term operation of the currency. When the market closes below the 5-day moving average, short-term currency is not operated.

[Technical meaning]

The comparison of long and short forces in the market has changed. The longs are dominant and have broken through the 5-day average transaction cost, indicating that investors who have bought in the last 5 trading days are in a profitable state. The market's bullish sentiment has been mobilized, and short-term traders have joined the multi-party market. In the short term, the currency price is expected to continue to rise driven by buying.

[Application Skills]

When the closing price of a coin is above the 5-day moving average for the first time and the 5-day moving average turns upward, this indicates that there will be a buying point. You can buy near the 5-day moving average on the second and third days. As long as the main force is washing the market, you can pick up cheap chips. After buying, only check your coins a few minutes before the closing every day. According to the closing, if it is above the 5-day moving average, hold it, otherwise sell it.

This is a super trading method for short-term trading. For medium-term trading, use the 5-week line, and for long-term trading, use the 5-month line.


(1) When the market closes below the 5-day moving average, short the position.

(2) When the market closes above the 5-day moving average, operate.

(3) For individual coins, you can hold a position above the 5-day moving average, and short the position below the 5-day moving average.

(4) Divide the funds into 3 batches for operation. When you are not confident, use one-third of the position. When you are confident, use half of the position. When you feel that you have mastered it thoroughly, you can increase the position.

(5) You must buy at the buying point and sell at the selling point, and strictly follow the operating discipline (after buying, only take a look before the closing to decide whether to sell).

(6) Trading mentality is fundamental, and the knowledge and action of trading should be unified.

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