How are the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle harvested? The price of the coin has increased 10 times or 100 times. Where does your money come from?

1: Coin speculation and stock speculation seem similar, but in fact they are very different. Stock speculation is a zero-sum game, and everyone is competing for chips with other investors. In the cryptocurrency circle, the situation is quite different. Project parties often have a large number of coins, and the cost of these coins is almost zero for them.

2: They only need to use a small amount of funds to increase the price of the coin by several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times. When the price of the coin rises and attracts a large number of investors to enter the market, the project party will not hesitate to ship the goods and make huge profits. In this process, those investors who did not sell out in time became the leeks that were harvested.

3: In the cryptocurrency circle, you need to be vigilant at all times and don't be confused by high returns. Don't chase the rise and kill the fall! Only in this way can you avoid becoming the leeks that are harvested! !