$NOT I remember lots of coins. And I would say everything has changed since back then when ppl were screaming about Cardano. old coins and the old system is long gone.

TON has a great future.

but what do we think about NOT ?

I believe NOT will get Dogecoin's place. Come on just think about it...

Who or what created Dogecoin ? It came up as a meme coin or TBH we used to call it shitcoin.

But it went to 0.70 ...

The system is clear and it says that Telegram is the owner of TON and NOT. Telegram is indeed one of the most greatest social platforms that ppl can enjoy using it. And also it has potential to be more than that.

I believe one of them will go more than 100$ per coin and it is indeed TON, and NOT can follow up with the possible target of 1$ max.

Everything is possible in cryptocurrency I remember back in days I lost more than 270K in LUNA which I guess a lot of ppl remember coin...

So everything is possible and NOT came on-time bcz I believe crypto currency is ready for a bullrun. Corruption of governments are clear as day so people will try to buy more crypto