I can use an appropriate example to explain the current cryptocurrency industry. It is equivalent to the real estate industry 20 years ago.#BTC#ETH#sol#WLD #ETH

If you work hard to make money and buy a house, and bought a house in Shenzhen, Beijing or Shanghai 20 years ago, and sold it after 15 years, two cycles, you will definitely be a rich person.

I have been to Shenzhen, and the landlord's buildings are all one by one. He said that he came early and didn't know anything else. He used to be a bricklayer.

The next step is to build houses, and then buy them when you make money, first one, then two, then ten, and finally raise funds to buy one.

His son bought 5 luxury cars and 3 motorcycles worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he just sits there and rocks every day.

I asked him why he didn't drive a bike, and he said motorcycles were banned. I asked why he bought one, and he said he liked it and was bored.

Just shaking it like this is enough. He can't spend it all, he won't do anything else, and he doesn't need to do anything else.

He probably earns tens of millions a year from rent. What do you think he relies on to be so free? His father. His ability to reincarnate.

What his father relies on is his own circle of competence and by keeping up with the trends of the times to buy houses, that's all.

In fact, many people still don’t understand the current cryptocurrency circle and think that this industry is a scam.

Anyone who can say such ignorant things must be very rich and too lazy to understand. That is arrogance that produces prejudice.

Either he definitely doesn't have much money. Rich people are generally willing to take risks, while those who are risk-averse are afraid of new things. Those stubborn people are unlikely to be rich. He thinks screwing screws every day at work or doing physical business is the best and most stable income, because he feels that he can earn money steadily.

In fact, it is also rejection. It is the same in our village. No one is willing to buy a house in the county town. The money they earn is saved and left there.

Now everyone is still living like this, still working, buying a house, and paying off the mortgage.

He was miserable, he acted as a human miner, he was like this, he had a bad life, his descendants also imitated him

The same is true for future generations. No matter how much education they read, it is useless.

Thinking limits a person's development. At this time, if someone gives you some advice and you have an open mind, your life may have another opportunity.

When I was studying, there was a teacher who always told me to be a thoughtful young person.

He printed this sentence on every piece of clothing he owned and wore it every day to remind himself.

I think the word "thoughtful" is awesome. Bitcoin is the product of thought.

So if you work hard now and join the cryptocurrency circle, let’s say hoarding coins, it’s equivalent to buying a house.

From now on, if you also buy biscuits for 15 years, you will never be poor. If you buy biscuits for 8 years, you will surpass 99% of the people around you.

Because 99% of the people around you have no ability to make money.

If you also know other techniques, such as arbitrage, airdrops, hard work, ideas, and other money-making techniques.

Then you can turn things around in 2 cycles, which is 8 years. If you are lucky and have strong execution, you can turn things around in 1 cycle.

I won't set a high goal for my turnaround, I'll just say making 5 million is a turnaround. Why do I say 5 million?

Isn’t the first prize of lottery 5 million? That means 5 million is the dream of most people.

5 million coins is achievable. The people who took advantage of the situation a while ago got millions.

Of course, there are more people who didn’t get it, but this is a risk, just like others bought prime land and you bought a country house.

Those who don’t have the opportunity don’t even get an admission ticket, and don’t even have the chance to change themselves by spending money.

And when you read my articles, you at least have the opportunity to get in touch with this industry.

If you can really stay in this business for a long time and use the right methods, you will definitely make money. It is only a matter of time.

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