This market is actually more torturous than a bear market.

In a bear market, we at least know that it is a bear market, so we should cut our losses and short sell when necessary.

But now it is a bull market, the market has been fluctuating at a low level, and the continuous decline is always a needle to stimulate the fragile nerves.

Many newbies entered the market during the last round of surge, and almost stood on the top of the mountain.

These waves of continuous plunges have made them completely lose hope. They were originally prepared to kill all sides in the currency circle, but now they have lost everything.

The root cause is too short-sighted and too concerned about the current market.

Ups and downs are just a process. What can bring us benefits is the future bull market. Everything now is false.

A good mentality is the first rule for survival in the currency circle.

Come on!