Why play with the BTC ecosystem?

1. New assets: Brc20 is a brand-new way of issuing assets. All projects are free minted by users on their own initiative. Every change in the way of currency issuance in history is accompanied by huge wealth transfers. This is essentially the evolution of power relations and economic systems. Whether it is from Bretton Woods or the birth of Bitcoin, those who participated in it early are the ones who made huge profits.

2. From the earliest BTC mining to Ethereum ICO to DeFi mining to the current brc20 tokens, the first to put down prejudices are always the biggest winners.

3. New narrative: What is the most important thing about assets? It is security, stability, and decentralization. Who told us that the most important thing about assets is defi, tps or institutional platforms? Traditional institutional coin issuance, seed rounds, private placement rounds, airdrop rewards, secondary takeovers, and contract band chips collection are the core gameplay of the past five years. In essence, this circle has been broken.

The new asset issuance method of Bitcoin ecosystem is a new story: because Bitcoin mainnet is the safest and most decentralized blockchain, because free mint is relatively fair, because there is no top-down harvesting by institutions, and because it is the richest chain, isn’t it easier to make money on a rich chain?

Why buy cats?

1. The best IP: cats, one of the most popular animals in the world.

2. Good positioning: meme is invincible! Cartoon image Tom spreads globally.

3. The most fair: one of the fairest coins in BRC20, the difference in acquisition cost is limited to the high and low mining fees

4. Strong consensus: one of the coins with the most living people, large on-chain transaction volume, and strong community global consensus

5. No running away: cats tokens have no contract and cannot be modified, no project party, and never worry about running away

6. Strong meme: the total amount is 2.1 billion and will never be issued. The unit price is low and feels cheap. It is easy to FOMO if it keeps going to 0, and it has the most MEME attributes.

7. Large space: The market value is only more than 5 million, and the bottom chip cost is relatively high. As one of the three pillars of BRC20, the market value of sats is about 1.5 billion US dollars, and rats is about 400 million US dollars. Even if the bull market rises 1,000 times, the market value is still very small (doge is up to more than 100 billion US dollars, refer to the 10,000-fold increase of shib). At present, cats is very early, waiting for a big explosion.

8. Musk's doge, Satoshi's cats.

9. Help hundreds of millions of cat owners around the world to have big wallets.

10. Stray cat rescue activities.