Written in front
(Playing with airdrops does not guarantee returns, it only increases the risk of getting rich overnight)
Need scientific Internet access, TG account
Registration link: https://t.anti-shieldingme/holdwallet_bot/app?startapp=HWQJ1LM5C39A
Registration Tutorial
Registration link: https://t.anti-shieldingme/holdwallet_bot/app?startapp=HWQJ1LM5C39A
1. Click the link to enter Hold, click Open in the lower left corner

2. Automatically create a wallet, remember to save the mnemonic
3. Scroll down to the end and click DMH

4. Click Claim to start mining

5. Click Missions to complete the mission (it is recommended to operate on the mobile TG, without completing the jump, switch back to TG and wait for a while to receive it)