When mentioning teachers, all of us see the image of a precious teacher. It could be the math teacher in grade 1, the literature teacher in grade 3. It could also be CZ, the respected teacher who sends mails every day to teach us how to let go of the future and focus. more at present.

My teacher is very special, he has never attended any drawing school. But when I looked through his legacy, I knew this was a talented artist.

When teaching, the teacher uses RSI, MACD, Fibo, Trend line,... and 7749 other indicators into one chart. If normal people think it's confusing, for teachers it's a work of art.

His drawings made me feel enlightened, I found him truly sublime.

Suddenly, the teacher slapped the table hard and said:

- This is it, this is it, you guys go to Long for me.

While waiting for the order to remove the city, I turned to the teacher and asked:

- Teacher, will you make money by drawing orders like this?

Suddenly the teacher turned to look at me and whispered in my ear with a warm, gentle voice:

- I've burned 3 accounts this month.

#crypto #btc