18 reasons why fewer and fewer people contact you

1. The rise of social media has widened the distance between hearts.

We live in an era of information explosion. Social media such as WeChat and Douyin have become the main way for people to transmit information and maintain relationships, but this has also led to a decrease in real face-to-face communication and reduced the quality of communication.

2. Lack of common topics: If you and your friends do not have common interests or topics, social relationships may fade.

3. Others think you are worthless: When modern people interact with each other, the value a person shows is very important. Sometimes it is the actual value, and sometimes it is the emotional value. If others feel that their interactions with you lack value, they will reduce contact.

4. Increased work pressure: The workplace is highly competitive and work pressure has increased greatly. In order to succeed in their careers, people may have to sacrifice social time, resulting in less contact with relatives and friends.

5. You yourself show a lack of initiative in communication: People's emotions are mutual. If you lack initiative in interacting with others and let others exhaust their enthusiasm for initiative, they will gradually alienate you.

6. Changes in hobbies: People's hobbies may change over time. If your interests no longer match your friends, then contact may decrease.

7. Geographical changes: Moving to a new city or country may disrupt existing social networks, and it takes time to establish new connections.

8. Lifestyle changes: More and more people choose healthy lifestyles, such as fitness and weight loss, which may reduce social time.

9. Family roles lead to energy dispersion: Once married or starting a family, people may devote more time and energy to their families rather than their social circles.

10. The influence of age factors: As they age, some people may become more independent and reduce social activities, so contacts become more sparse.

11. Misunderstandings and contradictions: People may be alienated by misunderstandings and contradictions, resulting in less contact.

12. Interpersonal fatigue: Dealing with complex interpersonal relationships can be exhausting, so people prefer to maintain a few close relationships rather than too many shallow ones.

13. Addiction to and dependence on mobile phones: Mobile phone addiction has become a common problem, and people may spend a lot of time on their phones instead of interacting with others.

14. Social circle solidification: Sometimes, social circles may become relatively closed and not easy to accept new friends, resulting in a decrease in contact.

15. The impact of psychological problems such as anxiety and depression: Mental health problems are increasing among modern people, and many people choose to alienate their social circles because they are unwilling to share their emotional troubles with others and want to close themselves off to seek security.

16. Different social expectations: People's social needs and expectations may vary depending on their age, personality, and stage of life, which may also lead to a decrease in contact.

17. Busy life: Simply put, modern life is becoming increasingly busy, and people may put social activities in the background and focus on other aspects of life.

18. Protect personal privacy: Worried about privacy leaks, some people choose to reduce social activities to avoid exposing too much personal information on the Internet.

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