In the cryptocurrency circle, being impetuous is actually a big taboo in cryptocurrency trading. From time to time, I look back to see what mental mistakes I have made, and make timely corrections and stop losses! (Strategy Home Page)

About the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies:

1. Get anxious if you don’t make money at the stage

2. Collapse if you lose money at the stage

3. Missing out is more painful than cutting losses

4. It’s painful to not make money when others make a lot of money

5. Want to get back the money quickly if you lose

6. Spend money when you make money and attack everywhere at will

7. Swear when you sell wrong or sell at a loss

8. Don’t dare to sell if you lose money

9. Listen to and follow others to buy coins and blame others and curse them, without reflecting on your own problems

10. Make a determination not to do it again when you make a mistake, but make the same mistake again within two days

11. Don’t dare to buy back when you sell wrong, and don’t dare to correct mistakes when you buy wrong

12. Lack of extreme concentration and extreme self-discipline

13. If you have a little profit at the stage, you will see a super expert, and if the super expert’s profit at the stage is not ideal, you will think that he is just like that, and even want to guide him

14. If you make money at the stage, you think you have realized the truth, recharge, leverage, what is risk?

15. It is said that risk should always be put first, but the foreseeable risks are not strictly examined and implemented.

16. When you make money, you should take out the profit, and don't always think about taking it for compound interest.

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