This big short is too exciting. No blogger can be more accurate than our industry leader @首席操盘手日记 in data. Congratulations to the leader for making a huge profit of tens of millions!

Let's take a look at our daily entertainment Yan Chi. It is really a negative indicator. As we all know, this anchor leads members to play spot. When they lose money, he asks paid members to cover their positions. When they make money, he will say that I am doing contracts. It is really shameless. This time, @kkddhhddjfjduiddnn publicly refunded a series of membership fees. You collected such high membership fees from others, but you still don't refund them when they lose money. It's really a high-end game. I really don't understand how members who follow him make money.

The pressure level given by Lao Deng in the afternoon is basically at the top of this decline. And it is clear that you can open a short test order. Lao Deng's assistant number has also opened real-time data recommendation. If you need it, you can see the assistant's profile!

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