The rise of NFTs has broken the traditional world’s restrictions on personal IP. NFTs enable brands to reach new levels of engagement through art, stories, and gamification, allowing community members to participate and provide them with meaningful experiences while enjoying some of the benefits of NFTs.

Recently saw a new NFT project

"It is based on Mr. Huang Jiannan's lifelong artistic works, and the IP and team strength are very strong"

Let's talk briefly based on the information currently released

Beverly WEB3.0 is an NFT project based on Mr. Huang Jiannan’s decades of artistic efforts and creative essence. There are 500 NFTs in total, each of which is generated from the painter’s original oil painting, and each NFT is unique.

Each NFT will have commercial use rights, and the buyer will have the right to use their NFT for merchandise, advertising, or other commercial purposes and generate income from it.

The team is an elite team with rich experience from multiple fields (Web3, art, capital, NFT) Charles: F2pool mining pool partner

Joey Zhou: Founding Chairman of LABA International Art Festival, Beverly Arts Partner, Executive Director, Famous Hollywood Bilingual Host

Peter Zhang: Senior Partner of Navigate CAPITAL, Well-known Web 3.0 Investor

Mr. Huang Jiannan: Internationally renowned artist

Mike Chen: With extensive experience in NFT projects, he excels in project management and operations.

Douglas Ivanovich: Senior management consultant for international projects, founding chairman of WP1.

Mr. Huang Jiannan has many achievements and titles, which cannot be listed one by one. You can see them in the official DC and search engines. Here are a few simple ones: National First-Class Artist, good at oil painting and Chinese painting, and winner of the Global Charity Alliance Gold Medal.

Member of the French National Artists Committee and Honorary Chairman of the French Oriental Culture and Art Association.

The world's first artist to walk 38,000 kilometers

One of the few Asian artists to enter the Western billion-dollar club.

Ranked third in the 2023 Hurun Art Rankings, with a total transaction volume of RMB 101.48 million;

Distribution of Mr. Huang Jiannan's auction works between 2013 and 2024: 16 works with transaction prices of more than 10 million; 89 works with transaction prices of more than 5 million; 385 works with transaction prices of more than 1 million

The total supply and distribution of the project is 500 NFTs. Pre-sale price: 1ETH/NFT, one whitelisted person can only mint one NFT of Mr. Huang Jiannan.

The team revealed that it will launch a coin airdrop plan for users holding NFTs in the future.

Project activities are mainly participated in by DC, including:

Lucky draw: 500 limited edition prints of "Bright Future" signed by Mr. Huang Jiannan. For every 5,000 additional community members, an additional print of "Bright Future" will be drawn. The prints will be transferred to the winners in the form of NFTs and can be sold or redeemed at any time.

Million-dollar original painting lottery: NFT holders can participate and there is a guaranteed buyback: a guaranteed price of RMB 1 million.

In addition, whitelist activities are also ongoing. There are several ways to obtain the whitelist:

- Create artwork similar to Huang Jiannan’s NFT image and share it on the channel.

- Bloggers with high active followers can tweet Mr. Huang Jiannan’s NFT and @beverlyweb30

- Actively create interesting works related to the project

From the perspective of the project's fundamentals, the IP of this project is solid, and Mr. Huang Jiannan has a high reputation at home and abroad. At the same time, the team behind the project has a strong background and diversified resources that can help the project develop healthily.

Judging from the activities currently planned by the project party, there are many things to look forward to, including the globally limited prints signed by Mr. Huang Jiannan, the lottery of original paintings worth millions, the future coin airdrop plan, etc.

At present, the marketing activities of the project have not officially started, and Twitter and the official website have not released any content. You can first go to DC to participate in the whitelist activities and gain first-mover advantage.

The team determines the long-term development of the project. Although the background of the team itself is unquestionable, the real test of the project's operational capabilities is whether the project can continue to tell a story, especially after NFT mint, whether it can escape the curse of mint/listing means death. I am optimistic.