Everyone is sharing strategies for making money, so let me share some tips for losing money.

1. Frequently adjust and change investment portfolios. This is one of the most common mistakes made by novices, and it is also easy to understand. When you see that the coins bought by others have risen by 20 or 50 points in a day, but the ones you hold have not moved, you will definitely feel anxious. Finally one day I couldn't help it, so I sold the coins in my hand to buy other coins, and then the market fell back by 20 points the next day. Panic surged in my heart, and I had to sell my meat. After the meat was sold, I found that the stocks I bought before also started to rise. After such an operation, there was no profit, and the principal lost 20 points.

The correct approach is to wait patiently. In the bull market, various altcoins generally rose. If the coins you hold have not risen for the time being, it is only because the funds have not flowed to your side. In the bull market, everyone is eager to chase the rise, so if you feel anxious if the stocks you hold have not changed for three days, you must be patient at this time. Of course, everything has a prerequisite, that is, you hold a potential coin. If you are interested, you can click on my homepage.

2. Always keep a full position. If you are trading futures or using this strategy in combination with the above strategies, your investment style can be said to lose the most money in a bull market.

When you see everyone making money, it is easy to develop a mentality of "If only I had bought 10,000 U instead of 5,000 U." Then pick up the calculator and press the buttons frantically to calculate how much more I would have earned if I had held 5,000 U more. If you maintain this mentality for a long time, you will unknowingly fill your position and develop a habit of having no plan and no goals.

3. Shorting. In a bull market, the logic of shorting a stock is mostly just because you feel that it has risen too much and you have a hunch that it will fall. If you rely on this feeling to trade, losses will not be far away from you. Usually, the result is that you can make some money occasionally, but lose most of the time, and always win small and lose big. Personal power is insignificant and should follow the market.

4. Don't refuse to admit failure. People hate losses. When trading futures, they are often reluctant to stop losses. As a result, small losses turn into big losses, or even lose to zero.The most common situation is full position operation.

Are you making a profit or a loss now? Do you have any special experience of losing money to share? Let's communicate together.

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency circle but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency circle with me. Click on the avatar introduction to find me.

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