Finally, it was given to the bulls. Last night, it broke through yesterday's range oscillation in the early morning, forming a unilateral upward trend. Wei Yi also said before that we can follow up with a limited break of the range oscillation, and last night's market did not disappoint us. It broke through and continued, and after reaching the 63429 line, it gave a small retracement. Wei Yi was short at a high position in the morning, and the big cake took more than 700 points of space, and the concubine took more than 40 points of space.

From the current structure, there was a retracement in the past few days to form a retracement trend, and this trend just formed last night and broke this impact, breaking through the two pressure lines of 62000 and 62500 overnight, and the upward resistance was given to the 63500 line. From the indicator point of view, the strong rise last night did not give a good retracement during the day, and it will give a retracement in the short term during the day. During the day, we can pay attention to the 63500-62500 range oscillation, and follow up after the break. KDJ and MACD lines form a golden cross, so pay attention to the 62000 line position early in the day, and use the operation method of long as the main and short as the auxiliary.

Big cake: long around 62500, target 64000

Auntie: long around 3000, target 3100$BTC $ETH #新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析