BTC hits the key support level and then reverses and pulls up‼ ️Is the bull going to turn back⁉️Will it hit 70,000⁉️The big market competition between bulls and bears begins🤑

Everyone knows that I publicly shorted Bitcoin at 74,000 and Ethereum at 4,086. The decline lasted for two full months during the entire shorting process. Our short orders made countless profits, and it can be said that we stopped profit for two consecutive months and took all the market. During the decline, I also studied the views of several top technical traders abroad on this decline. I found that no one was more accurate than us in predicting this round of plunge🤣🤣

We predicted that Bitcoin would fall from 74,000, then slightly fall below 60,000, and fall to about 58,000~59,000 to start reversing. 📈

The prediction we gave at that time was very accurate, and our prediction for Ethereum was even more terrifying. Our prediction for Ethereum at that time was that it would fall from 4086 to 2888 and then reverse and rise. After we issued this prediction, Ethereum fell to the lowest point near 2800 and then reversed and rose. It can be said that the entire 1,000-point plunge was completely hit by us, and even the final reverse long position also completely hit the lowest point🤑🤑

Then I looked at the views of these top foreign traders. One of them believed that Bitcoin would rise again to around 80,000 after falling below 60,000. In fact, this view is valid from the perspective of technical trading, because we saw that after Bitcoin fell from around 74,000, it had another impact on 72,000. This can be regarded as a double-top structure falling from the big trend.

Then there is another top structure that appears in the bull market, which is the head and shoulders top, that is, 74,000 is not the top, but the left shoulder of the head and shoulders top, so this head should be higher than 74,000. That is 80,000🤣So one of the traders mentioned the view of 80,000, which I think is worth considering. But I don’t see evidence of a rise above 80,000‼ ️‼ ️Because the bull-bear dividing line 65200 we mentioned did not break through in the previous rise, and the overall structure is still a decline📉

But for the view of the bull turning back, is it possible to hit 80,000? I will update you according to the market in subsequent articles

#BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #Megadrop