People who have truly experienced three rounds of bull and bear markets will tell you

When group friends shout that a copycat stock is going to explode, they are considering whether to chase it or not.

You silently say in your heart: It has doubled again, this game is so easy.

In fact, they don’t know how long you have been lurking, how you have to endure all kinds of noise every day, how many times you have to endure profit drawdowns.

They haven’t experienced it, so they don’t understand you. ​​​

This round of bull market is volatile. If you haven’t found the right direction yet, you might as well click on the avatar and look at the signature on the homepage to find me. Various strategic layouts are waiting for you. #灰度撤回以太坊期货etf申请 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #5月市场关键事件 #Friend.tech前景预测