Yesterday's strategy was very clear. The low-long idea was to go long at the 63706 line yesterday, and the stop profit was 65400, which gained more than 1697 points and more than 5x space!

6000u got 30,000 yuan

8000u got 40,000 yuan

There is no god in this market, and there is no technical analysis that will make you 100% correct, but it is normal to have losses and gains in this market, but having a perfect trading system and risk control system to achieve small losses and big profits is a professional method!

Buffett: The most profitable investment is to find a balance between the profit and loss ratio and achieve stable arbitrage. Only in this way can the compound interest snowball roll bigger and bigger until freedom!

Professional matters are left to professionals, and making money from contracts can be as easy as breathing!

Monthly return is 10X, and compensation is provided if it is not reached. Exclusive to the entire network!

The stable arbitrage strategy of the trading room is in progress....... #bitcoin #Binance