Despite market uncertainty, optimism towards BTC persists. To better understand the financial world, we recommend the best Wall Street movies for 2024. Among them are "Wall Street" (1987), "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013), "The Big Short" (2015), " Boiler Room" (2000), "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" (2005), "Margin Call" (2011) and "Dumb Money" (2023).

These films offer a fascinating look at the financial industry, from the perspective of an ambitious stockbroker in "Wall Street" to the excesses and downfall of a Wall Street hustler in "The Wolf of Wall Street."

"The Big Short" provides an educational look at the 2007/2008 financial crisis, while "Boiler Room" follows the story of a college student who joins a brokerage firm only to discover that it is a scam.

"Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" examines the collapse of Enron Corporation, highlighting unethical practices and corporate greed. "Margin Call" focuses on the 2008 financial crisis, and "Dumb Money" follows the story of a financial analyst who invests in GameStop, challenging hedge funds.

Like Wall Street, the world of cryptocurrencies also has its fascinating stories of sensational success and catastrophic failure. To explore more, be sure to check out our list of the best cryptocurrency movies to watch.