Reveal the winning rules of short-term trading masters!

In the turbulent stock market, short-term traders are always looking for the dawn of rapid profit. Today, I will reveal the four winning rules in short-term trading, so that you can be like a fish in water in the stock market and easily realize profits!

Rule 1: Increase the volume and fight again after the correction!

When you see the stock price increase in a short period of time, don't rush to buy high. Because this means that the bullish force has been over-released in the short term, and it is likely to usher in a wave of decline next. At this time, patiently wait for the buying point after the decline to grasp the best investment opportunity.

Rule 2: Large-volume decline, rebound is just around the corner!

If the stock price falls in a short period of time, don't rush to cut your losses and leave. Because the excessive release of short-selling power often indicates the possibility of a rebound in the future. Wait for a day or two of inertial decline, and then choose to participate in the rebound, which can often seize the turning point of the market and realize profits.

Rule 3: Reduced volume rise, continue to be optimistic!

In the early stage of stock price rise or during the rise, if there is a shrinking rise, it means that the main force has strong control ability, the market is reluctant to sell, and everyone is bullish. At this time, do not hesitate, continue to hold or increase your position, and you can often enjoy the rich returns brought by the continued rise in stock prices.

Rule 4: Decline in volume, beware of risks!

However, when there is a shrinking decline in stock prices at the beginning of the decline or during the decline, you need to be extra vigilant. Because this often means that the market panic has not been fully released, and the market outlook is likely to accelerate the decline. At this time, stop loss or reduce positions in time to avoid greater losses.

In short, short-term trading requires keen insight and decisive decision-making. Mastering the above four winning rules will allow you to be at ease in the stock market and easily realize profits! Share it with your friends quickly!

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