$STMX goes for dips. It is expected to see at least 50 points. The current price is 0.00444. The reason is very simple. Market makers have already come in and continue to accumulate funds.

This routine is very similar to the previous wave of operations of Lina. If you don't buy it after a day, you should also pay attention to it. I will continue to promote stmx until it pumps to 0.0068. Hansuo transferred all the coins to this address 68 days ago. Then I started withdrawing coins from Binance from various addresses and transferred them all to the tail number 5b66. I currently hold a position worth 31 million knives. The total market value of stmx is only 44 million. So everyone knows that it has been exchanged frequently in the past two days. The trading volume is all on upbit, so please look forward to it. If you enter or not, please continue to follow. If you like it, please help and give a like.